Missionary to NORTH AFRICA


Ezra is a strategic leader and past missionary sent out of the Connection Family. He pastored in the Midwest as a church planter in a muslim-majority city in the United States. He enjoys the study of languages, loves to read and research, and play the piano. He seeks out engaging conversations with others and loves teaching and discipling through Hebrew and Greek contextual study. When he visits Connection Church, he can often be seen among the youth and young adults and challenging people to engage in Scripture in new and pensive ways. It was once prophecied over Ezra that he would ignite the fire of God within people and that he would be a radical man for  Christ. His heart is to partner with Connection Church and go to the ends of the earth together.

Ezra is a missionary with Foursquare Missions International
to France and North Africa. He has dedicated his life to understanding people from Muslim backgrounds and sharing who Jesus actually is. Along with a team of other missionaries with the same calling, they create businesses, teach in muslim schools, create community among neighbors, and cultivate deep friendships. Their hope is that through love in words and action, Christians among Muslims can lead their friends to ask them about Jesus. As they become friends with them, they introduce them to our best friend Jesus.